Dalí loved to be photographed, in fact today there are many photos of the artist present in books, magazines and online sites. 

Dalí was an avant-garde, eccentric, highly expressive and over the top compared to any other artist; subject of study and object of worship for the most famous photographers in the world.

Many photographers worked with Dalí throughout his artistic career. Probably the most prolific was the Latvian Philip Halsman, who established a collaboration with Dalí, starting in 1941, which lasted 37 years, and which produced some of the artist’s most intense and memorable images. 

Dalí in the garden of Pùbol castle
©Enrique Sabater

Dalí in the garden of Pùbol castle
©Enrique Sabater

Dalí in the garden of Pùbol castle
©Enrique Sabater

Dalí looking at Nu Femenin Hysterique
©François Petit

Dalí with sculptures
©François Petit

Dalí with Homage to Newton sculpture
©François Petit

Dalí with Premonition des Tiroirs sculpture
©François Petit

Dalí with sculpture, reclining white pyjamas
©François Petit

Dalí with gold newton sculpture, 1977
©François Petit

Salvador Dalí
©Jordi Casals

Salvador Dalí
©Jordi Casals

Salvador Dalí
©Jordi Casals

Dalí and Bread

Dalí with Babou

Dalí with dancer in Spain

Dalí with Charles Trenet

Don Quixotte of Dalí

Dalí with sculpture

Dalí with his double

Dalí with sword

Dalí with Gala

Dalí with his wife


Dalí portrays a rhinoceros

Portrait Dalí

Portrait Dalí

Dalí with Ruggero Orlando

Dalí’s Epiphany

Dalí with elephant

Dalí with gold medal

Dalí with his wife Gala

Portrait Dalí

Dalí with hat and cane

Dalí with Tixier Vignancourt

Dalí with leopard jacket

Dalí portrays Jules Verne

Dalí with Gala

Dalí with Jaques Baumel

Dalí Crazy horse Saloon

Dalí with Gilbert Becaud

Dalí with Franco

Dalí select model

Dalí image of the sky

Portrait Dalí

Dalí with Walt Disney

La Grand Fourchette d’Argent

Dalí with Pierre Spivakoff on the Mae West Sofa

Dalí with File Labiesse and Yves Termos

Salvador Dalí
©Enrique Sabater

Dalí with Taraxacum Officinale
©Enrique Sabater

Salvador Dalí
©Enrique Sabater